Why downtown Cleveland’s bright lights pose dangers to thousands of migrating birds

Why downtown Cleveland’s bright lights pose dangers to thousands of migrating birds

Like moths to a flame, migrating birds looking to rest and refuel are drawn to the bright lights of downtown Cleveland. For many it will be their last stop. Each year, thousands of birds heading to and from Canada and the tropics plow into downtown buildings, leaving many of the tiny, feathered visitors dead or wounded on sidewalks and windowsills.

Lights Out Ohio program featured at the IDA-Ohio Annual Meeting

Lights Out Ohio program featured at the IDA-Ohio Annual Meeting

Matthew Shumar is the Program Coordinator for the Ohio Bird Conservation Institute (OBCI), a collaboration of non-profit groups, businesses, state and federal government
agencies, and citizens working to advance bird conservation efforts. The OBCI and its large network of conservation organizations has developed a Lights Out program to work within communities to address light and glass issues in urban areas. Regional Lights Out programs are now running in most of Ohio’s major cities and are supported by a wide variety of conservation organizations, businesses, and individuals. In addition to his work with OBCI, Matt is in charge of web communications for the Association of Field Ornithologists and is the co-editor of The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio.

Matthew Shumar interviewed for Birds and Glass podcast on BirdNote

Matthew Shumar interviewed for Birds and Glass podcast on BirdNote

Forty-four percent of bird/window collisions happen with low-rise and residential buildings. Birds just don’t understand glass and fly into windows at incredible speed. Biologist Matt Shumar has some easy ways to make your home safer for birds. First, reduce lighting, which attracts birds. Turn outdoor lights off during spring and fall. Second, make windows visible to birds by applying special stickers (not the fake hawk and falcon type — the goal is to break up the image). There’s more, too.

Migrating birds need our help to avoid deadly building collisions: Andy Jones and Marnie Urso

Migrating birds need our help to avoid deadly building collisions: Andy Jones and Marnie Urso

As we enjoy the beauty of fall in Ohio, bird migration is well underway in our state. Ohio is blessed as one of the best places to witness one of nature’s greatest spectacles. Warblers, shorebirds, hawks, and waterfowl are moving through our state in vast numbers, following age-old routes from northern nesting grounds to warmer winter hideaways. There are countless places to enjoy this phenomenon, from your own backyard, to the local park, and to our great state parks, national wildlife refuges, and national park sites.